Political State of Woke: How Being Too Much of Either Spectrum Damages a Nation

If we take a look at the state of politics, it is inevitable that you will come across conflicting ideas. Belief is a powerful thing and today, we want to discuss both sides of the political spectrum. Specifically, we wanted to discuss how being too much of either severely damages a nation—no matter what nation that is.

AZ Congress Watch wants you to understand why this is the case. Let’s get started.

No One Listens

In the grand scheme of politics, the most polarizing spectrums are those of liberals and conservatives. This is particularly true in the realm of American politics. When one is busy being too much of a liberal or being too much of a conservative, no one listens in the end. What they end up having is a never ending clash of ideals and beliefs.

In order for politics to move forward, the people need to come to an agreement. When you are too busy trying to prove that you’re right, you rob yourself of the ability to stay quiet and listen to what the other side has to say.

Law Standstill

Politics are heavily involved with which laws are able to make it and which ones never see the light of day. If the lawmakers themselves are afflicted with being too much of either spectrum, there is too much bickering going on instead of actually considering bills based on their merit rather than who proposed it.

When this happens, the passing of laws get slowed down to a crawl. When politicians are too busy embodying their political preferences rather than serving the greater benefit of their country and their countrymen, then in the end, the nation suffers as a whole.

As you can see, when people are too busy plugging their ears and letting their mouths run, the nation as a whole suffers. What are your thoughts about the opposing sides of the political spectrum in your own country?